Be PAWroud and howl it out loud
We know reaching out to ask for donations of supPAWt is no walk in the park. So, we have made this space just for you.
We’ve dug some pretty big holes to find this stuff and we're sure your little wet noses are going to love it! And don't FURget, everyone who donates will be supPAWting you as well as Blind Low Vision NZ Guide Dogs.
Remember to have FUN with your FUNdraising!
1. Make a PAWsonal Donation to yourself
Get tails wagging by donating to yourself.
This shows others (including your pooch) how much you truly believe in what you are doing and that you are committed to the challenge. It also helps set the benchmark for future donations.
This is a really imPAWtant step in the process. PAWGUST PAWticipants who make a PAWsonal donation raise on average $235 more than those who don't.
So...get the ball rolling!
2. Bark it out loud
Alright time to bring out the big barks…tell your friends, family and workmates that you've signed up to the challenge.
Put it on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Snapchat, Twitter - whatever your preferred method!
Send them an email, a text message, start a Facebook group message, video call them or catch up in person.
Make sure you let them know that they can support you by making a donation to your fundraising page (be sure to give them your profile page URL or search your name on the website). They are going to need constant reminding until they donate, which they will!
3. What to send and share
Share the link to your PAWGUST page.
Explain what you're doing - Walking or running with your dog during one of the coldest months of the year to raise funds for Blind Low Vision NZ Guide Dogs.
Suggest a donation amount - $55 will pay for a rainbow cane to help children with low vision or blindness get around safely.
Explain how their donation will help - It costs in excess of $50,000 to breed, raise and train just one Guide Dog puppy and with hundreds of puppies being trained every year, every dollar counts.
Throw me a bone here!
PAWGUST is meant to be challenging but enjoyable so please make sure that however you decide to raise funds for Blind Low Vision NZ Guide Dogs, it is fun and exciting for you and others! You’ll be surprised how many people will get behind you and how quickly you will reach your goal.
If you need some help or even just want to WALK through a fundraising idea (see what we did there?), please don't hesitate to contact the PAWGUST team - we're here to help!